Single-family house in Tyrol

Meindl family from Weerberg in Tyrol

Customer’s Need:

A more convenient solution, as heating the old tiled stove twice a day became more and more arduous each year.

easyTherm Solution:

2013/2014 Trial in the conservatory with 2 easyTherm infrared panels. 2014 Amenities throughout the entire house fitted with the high tech infrared heating system by easyTherm

PropertySingle-family house
Location6133 Weerberg in Tyrol
Year of Manufactureapprox. 1995
Number of rooms10
Floor space140 m²
Power input13 easyTherm panels, a total of 8,000 Watts
Total investment costsapprox. 14,000-- Euro
Special FeaturesMaximum daily consumption at maximum power 68 kwh energy costs season 2014/2015 approx. 5000 kWh
Customer Testimonial“Super, no dirt, no dust, economical and at least as cosy as our old tiled stove, Günter Meindl is delighted with the successful solution.” - Günther Meindl
Implementing electrical partnerElektro Prinz, Fiecht Au 28, 6134 Vomp, Tel.: 05242/62960