Bungalow in wooden frame construction

Jeitschko family from Wienersdorf

Customer’s Need:

Uncomplicated, maintenance-free heating technology

easyTherm Solution:

easyTherm panels installed on the ceiling with individual room control

PropertyBungalow in wooden frame construction
Location2514 Wienersdorf
Year of Manufacture2013/2014
Number of rooms9
Floor space150 m²
Power input4.375 kW
Total investment costs11,900 EUR-- including installation
Investment costs with heat pump35,000 EUR--
Energy consumption4,400 KWh x 0.15 = 660 EUR--
Special FeaturesCombination with a photovoltaic system
Customer Testimonial“Everything is done right. I would install the easyTherm infrared heating system again because of the simplicity of the technology, the high comfort and the low energy consumption.”
Implementing electrical partnerERGE Electronics GmbH, Krichbaumgasse 38, 1120 Vienna Tel. +43 1 810 86 61