Heating system refurbishment in a music school

Replacement of storage heater in the music school in Deutschlandsberg, Styria

Customer’s Need:

Better temperature control, lower heating costs

easyTherm Solution:

efficient, highly effective infrared panels with precisely controlled regulation of room temperature

PropertyMusic and art school Deutschlandsberg–Replacement of storage heater
Location8530 Deutschlandsberg
Year of Manufacture1939, partly refurbished 2013
Number of rooms29
Floor space800 m²
Power input41 kW
Energy demandReduction of 40,000 kWh per year by replacing storage heating system
Estimated Savings on heating costs*approx. 5,200-- Euro/ year including VAT
*Calculation in accordance with European standard
Customer Testimonial“A scratchy throat is quite common after hours of lessons in dry air. Now no one complains about it. Even the instruments are spared. Due to the consistent, correct air humidity, the instruments do not have to be tuned as often. A further advantage over the old storage heater is that we can now control the heat supply so that it is perfect for lessons. Therefore, energy is only consumed when we need it, which again brings down costs.”
Implementing electrical partnerHerk Elektrotechnik, Grazerstraße 43, 8530 Deutschlandsberg